Friday, June 19, 2015

Books That Take Place in a Foreign Country Book Recommendations

Hello everyone! My blog post for today is a little different, something I thought of as I'm reading Meant To Be by Lauren Morrill. This inevitably led to me thinking about my future and what I want for myself as far as careers and college go. For awhile now, I've been thinking about majoring in International Business; I love to travel and I would like working in the business field. So as I'm thinking about this, I realized I've read quite a few books that have taken place in a foreign country and I've enjoyed all of them. So without further ado, here are my recommendations!

1.) Of course I have to go with Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. This book is a light, fun, cute, fluffy romance. I was originally turned off by this book, though, because of the title and the (old) cover. Eventually, after I had heard enough great things about it, I picked it up and ended up LOVING it. It's definitely time for a reread.

2.) Next is a paranormal series that also takes place in Paris. It's the Revenants series by Amy Plum. It's so good and gives you ALL of the feels and I love it with all of my heart. If you haven't heard about it or checked it out, I definitely would because it's a series that will captivate you.

3.) Number 3 is quite an obvious one- Harry Potter. Harry Potter of course takes place in the UK and it's a very popular series... that I have yet to finish. I know, I know, who hasn't finished Harry Potter?! Well this girl right here. I'm on the fourth book but I feel as if a reread of the first three are in order. I don't really think I need to explain the appeal or love behind this series so I'm going to move right along to number 4.

4.) Fourth is a book that I'm currently reading (and loving!) right now. Granted, I only have 30 pages left, but it's a book that has captured my heart and won't let go. It is Meant To Be my Lauren Morrill and it takes place in London. Who doesn't want to go to London?! The main character is on a school trip to London and is partnered up with her "nemesis" Jason. While they're touring and exploring London, they're also exploring their feelings for one another... It's a swoon-worthy, cute contemporary novel!

That's all for now, but I'll do a second part at some point in the future, because I have a few intriguing books on my shelf that take place in foreign countries. Have a great day!

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